Yesterday, we had the big car show fundraiser for a man whose house burned...they raised over $5,000 for him and his family. Great turnout of cars and people....really unbelievable. There had to have been a "mil or two" parked at our place.
The day was beautiful and then we had a snag, My friend Vye was here starting to quilt her quilt for our last quarterly challenge and I was fine. I had come in to assist her and then I was going back to the festivities outside. Three of my cousins were in here with us and we are enjoying the day. Thank goodness the children had gone out because I got choky and coughing and could not come out of it even with all the asthma drugs I took. Waited 45 minutes and no better so went to ER and was ash gray and moving very little air...The entry person in the ER wanted papers filled out and my friend told him I would stop breathing before I could finish...Things started happening then when he finally looked out his little window hole at me; they took me sraight back, called resperatory therapy stat, shot me a full of steroids and gave me several resperatory treatments. Oxygen set on 8 liters and threatening intubation. I must have looked pretty bad because the resperatory therapist (who looked like a 12 year old) asked Vye if I was her mother. Laying there gasping for air, gray, hair a mess, no makeup, no jewlery and a ugly gown, nto to mention tubes and wires a plenty. It was a good thing I could not talk but I was told my eyes said what my brain wanted to say, The ER doctor politely told I was going to be admitted. Thankfully steroids and inhalation therapy kicked in eventually and doc let me go on the promise I would return if any change for the worse. There way too long and then home...tight as a tick, weak as a kitten, torked way too tight...ha ha No way I wanted to be put on a respiratory wing with all the Swine flu people...that place could kill me! Anyway long story short, asthma attack out of the blue. Scared my cousins and my poor husband Charlie was chasing his tail trying to manage 300 plus people, 120 cars, and gathering money and worrying about me. Thank goodness for cell phones, because Vye was able to keep him up minute by minute. so crazy...Should have had a video of her driving. She asked a cop who was sitting in the middle of the road for escort but he couldn't leave because he was directing a funeral so I motioned for Vye to go on and she did, leaving him in the dust. She almost hit a van and left the red lights red. The cops haven't come after her yet....we are still waiting.
Directing a funeral is what I wrote...that person was already dead. The cop offered to call a medic, just what two frantic women need, more traffic congestion, you see to get to the hospital you have to go by the mall. A funeral, mall traffic and an ambulance trying to navigate through all that? Too much so I motioned for her to take a right and we went the back way.
Much better now, heart rate slower, coughing and wheezing minimal. Kind of buzzing from all the abuterol. At dinner tonight, my family was discussing the other sudden attacks and the culprits, leaf mold, old water bed, cats, horse, salad dressing, oven cleaner, orange cleaner and orange turpentine, yellow tomatoes, bug spray..etc. a long list in my lifetime, funny in a way how it happens and I have no control to stop or avoid it when it starts.
Not too long ago I got a predisone tablet stuck in my mouth, now that is some nasty tasting stuff. I felt like I was 6 years old again because when I was small I couldn't swallow anything without chewing so I had to chew those nasty things.
Rambling but that is typical for someone on heavy steroids, so I will let you see the
quilts for the challenge. Yes I have a clothes line, my little effort towards green. I do use it to dry about 50% of our laundry.
The next image is a close up.
I made the blue one and it now belongs to Sharon in Atlanta who claimed it. It is called the doodle quilt becasue it is quilted with doodles and messages in varigated thread which can cause the eyes to go gaa gaa.
The other one is called sunflowers and is embellished with applique. Vye made it with scraps left from another challenge we entered that we didn't win. The sunflower fabric came from France long ago by her father-in-law who just recently passed away. Most of the fabric for my blue one was pulled from my stash and some of that came from someone else who is deceased. A quilter whose stash was advertised and Vye and I bought it. That is another story for another day. Vye and I have had some adventures in the past 35 years. Hopefully if we are picked for our efforts in the competition, we can get you out there in cyberspace to vote for us? A promise to all who vote for us, I will write about at least one adventure with Vye.