Wednesday, October 28, 2009

....and the Quilt goes to?

The quilt as it is has been claimed and I am thrilled that it is going to a wonderful couple. Oh the finer points of quilt creation, design and execution. The best part for me is the quilting. Using a long arm is delightful, smooth as drawing with a pencil. Before the long arm I had to wrestle three layers at snail pace and push through the machine. Somewhat like trying to push an allegator through a 9 inch hole while holding his head and tail. Now it is much easier to load the 3 quilt layers and slide the machine along sewing even stitches. It is much easier to see where you have been and where you are going. Hardly any concern about wrinkles like it is when doing free motion on a sewing machine. Takes some practice to get the hang of it and I am sure a year from now I will be better at it but until then the quilts I do will be full of experimentations and fun motifs. Drop by anytime and see what's doing. Hope my friend in GA who claimed the quilt can come stay awhile and play with me.